A Family Based Strategy

It is important for physicians and health care professionals to increase their expertise in the area of developmental concerns, including Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Given the increased prevalence rate of ASD and the emphasis on early detection for developmental delays, health care professionals need to be familiar with established guidelines for screenings and diagnostic criteria for ASD. They also need to know how to refer for developmental services and how to refer for a comprehensive evaluation.

After a formal diagnosis is given, pediatricians will be “front line” in the medical management of co-morbid medical/psychiatric symptoms for their patients who may have been diagnosed with a developmental disorder/ASD. They will serve as the medical home for families to guide evidence-based treatment options and to help find community resources for the child with developmental disorders/ASD.

Learn more about the James L. Dennis Development Center here

This website is not intended to replace medical advice from your child’s PCP. This website is intended to help you learn more about different developmental concerns so you can gain some knowledge about them.  Always consult with your child's PCP for any concerns.