It DOES take more time to screen and discuss developmental concerns with families.  Here are some suggestions that we hope may help you structure the process.  This may help you make it a part of your regular practice routine:
1.  Purchase/copy screening instruments and have them easily accessible in your practice.  Ages and Stages is recommended as a good general developmental screening tool.  The M-CHAT (plus follow up questions) is a recommended tool to screen for ASD concerns.  
2.  Have your office staff create a mechanism to flag your medical record system for children ages 18 and 24 months.  Copies of screening instruments can be given to families when the sign in to your clinic.  They can complete when while they are waiting and you can look over them before you see the child for their visit.
3.  Create relationships with your community agencies that serve children with developmental delays/ASD.  Introducing yourself to your local Early Intervention, Early Childhood, Title V CSHCN case manager, local developmental preschools can help you better guide parents if concerns arise.  This can also help families find the right services for their child’s needs.  One mission of CoBALT is to link agencies mentioned above with health care professionals.  That relationship is invaluable to you and the families you in your care!!
4.  Identify places where you can refer your patients for screenings or comprehensive evaluations for developmental concerns/ASD.  Intake forms for the following agencies are provided below:
We have provided link to the following websites and information so this can be stored on your desktop for easy access:
5.  Create a resource center at your office (hard copies and electronic) that you and your staff can quickly access to educate the families you serve.